RAW Blog

July 14, 2024

Improving Business Efficiency with Data Virtualization

Unlock the power of data virtualization with RAW Labs. Learn how API-based data virtualization enhances security, integration, and real-time data access to boost business efficiency.

Open blog post
April 1, 2024

SQL support is now Generally-Available

SQL is now a supported language for building APIs in the RAW platform.

Open blog post
March 29, 2024

Revolutionizing Business Intelligence: RAW Labs' Journey to Creating an API Operating System

Revolutionizing business intelligence: how RAW Labs builds and uses an API Operating System that merges real-time data with LLMs for real-time, enhanced decision-making.

Open blog post
February 26, 2024

The Rise of Chat and the End of the Website

2024 will turn out to be the beginning of a tectonic shift in how businesses sell and advertise online. We start to see the first moves from web browsing with search engines to a chat-based world where companies become APIs that chat services consume.

Open blog post
Using ChatGPT with Salesforce
February 2, 2024

Integrating Salesforce and Operational Systems into ChatGPT: A Practical Guide

Learn to integrate ChatGPT with Salesforce for real-time business insights. This guide shows how to use the RAW platform for secure, direct access to operational data, enabling AI-driven advice on sales, products, customer feedback, etc.

Open blog post
RAW Labs in 2024
January 22, 2024

What’s coming in 2024

Allowing you to quickly build powerful AI-driven tools and applications is our core focus as we venture into 2024.

Open blog post
Using LLMs with APIs
November 30, 2023

Building for AI, with AI

Learn how the RAW platform helps you prepare for the new AI-powered world!

Open blog post
Improved business efficiency with shared data
October 16, 2023

Improving business efficiency by sharing data

Learn how sharing data with suppliers, partners, and customers goes beyond mere efficiency—it fosters deeper, more collaborative relationships. Implement effective data sharing using the RAW platform.

Open blog post
RAW grows with you
October 10, 2023

How RAW grows with your needs

Starting simple and scaling up is pivotal for businesses seeking to grow without the hassle of switching platforms or learning new tools.

Open blog post
RAW and security
September 26, 2023

How RAW Provides a Secure Platform

Security is paramount, especially when dealing with data. Here’s a deeper dive into why RAW – the modern platform for building, hosting, and sharing data through APIs – is a secure choice for your data manipulation needs.

Open blog post
Using LLMs with custom data
September 7, 2023

Integrating operational data with LLMs

Learn how to use the RAW platform to integrate Large Language Models like OpenAI's ChatGPT with your company's systems such as CRMs, HR, Finance, operational databases, data lakes, etc.

Open blog post
Using RAW to create mock data services
August 29, 2023

Building Mock Data Services with RAW

Learn how to build mock data services, which are simulated APIs that mimic the behavior of real data services, easily and quickly with the RAW platform.

Open blog post
RAW templates for OpenAI
August 2, 2023

Announcing new templates for OpenAI

We are thrilled to announce the launch of new templates for the RAW platform, designed to empower users to harness the capabilities of OpenAI.

Open blog post
Snapi is now open source
June 30, 2023

Open Sourcing “Snapi”, the data language

We’re excited to announce that Snapi, the powerful data manipulation language that drives the RAW Platform, is now open source!

Open blog post
Code with ai in RAW
June 15, 2023

Introducing “Code with AI”

Introducing "Code with AI" in the RAW platform, which allows for automatic API creation - including code, metadata, URLs - from natural language.

Open blog post
Using RAW with ChatGPT to create APIs that use Prompt Engineering
May 8, 2023

Creating APIs that use Prompt Engineering with ChatGPT and RAW

ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can be used across a wide range of applications. At RAW, we often find ourselves creating APIs that make use of it.

Open blog post
RAW on AWS Marketplace
April 20, 2023

RAW now available in the AWS Marketplace

We are happy to announce that RAW is now available in the AWS Marketplace.

Open blog post
Making all of Switzerland's Statistical Data accessible
February 9, 2023

Making all of Switzerland’s Statistical Data accessible

Learn how RAW helped the Switzerland's Federal Statistics Office turn their data into (machine-readable) JSON APIs.

Open blog post
Multiple data sources in a single API
January 19, 2023

Integrating Multiple Data Sources into a Single API

In a world driven by data, organizations rely on multiple sources to make informed decisions.

Open blog post
Data from multiple S3 Accounts with RAW
December 12, 2022

Integrating Data from Multiple Cloud Accounts with RAW

Integrating data across multiple S3 accounts can be a daunting task, but it is now easy with RAW.

Open blog post
Public datasets with RAW
November 14, 2022

Using public datasets with RAW – The Federal Reserve datasets

One of the key advantages of using RAW is its ability to access and query public datasets, allowing users to augment their internal data with external sources of information.

Open blog post
Sharing logs with RAW
October 5, 2022

Sharing logs from operational systems using RAW

At RAW, our development and operational teams often need to work together to debug those harder bugs.

Open blog post
Internal use of RAW
August 24, 2022

How we use RAW internally: a Business Activity API and Dashboard

At RAW we eat our own dog food, as an emerging software vendor we want business metrics on how we are doing. We use RAW to create a Business Activity API, and then retrieve the data in Excel with a simple dashboard.

Open blog post
Analyzing RSS feeds with RAW
August 3, 2022

Analyzing the news feeds in real-time with RAW

Learn how to use the RAW platform to filter news stories on topics of interest and trigger alerts.

Open blog post
Why you should share data via APIs
July 14, 2022

12 Benefits of Data Sharing via APIs

Data Sharing via APIs is a modern approach to unlocking valuable resources inside your organisation. Businesses sharing data are more likely to outperform those who do not. Read more about why using APIs is a better approach.

Open blog post
DataOps in RAW
June 6, 2022

DataOps: Navigate the perfect storm between data agility and data control

DataOps is your way out of the perfect data storm – balancing data agility with the need for data control. Learn how DataOps is done in the RAW platform.

Open blog post
Using data products as APIs with RAW
April 26, 2022

Data Products as APIs

Learn the many characteristics of a good Data Product, and how to build them in the RAW platform.

Open blog post
Snapi query language by RAW
March 17, 2022

Snapi, the “snappy” query language

Introducing the Snapi query language, part of the RAW platform.

Open blog post
Why you should use RAW
February 4, 2022

Why RAW?

Founder and CEO Miguel Branco explains the rationale behind the RAW platform, the problems it solves and how and why a better SQL is the way forward.

Open blog post
We are RAW
January 19, 2022

Announcing RAW

We are very excited to announce RAW, the Data Delivery platform.

Open blog post